We had a short trip yesterday from Littleton to Fort Collins. We wanted to get together with my brother, his wife Shereen and our nephew Morgan who grows taller by the hour!
The plan was for them to come see our new digs then go out for dinner. However that plan changed as soon as we pulled in to this "dream come true" RV park. There were kids everywhere, a huge playground, mini-golf, bumper boats and this thing they called The Pillow. Shereen loved the pillow ;) It was like a giant whoppie cushion that didn't make the noise (bummer!). It was surrounded by sand and an ankle high, emergency brake railing to slow the munchkins down before they hit the fence. It worked well for Kylie! We decided to stay, put Tim to work and had a cookout.
Oh wait, I forgot about the best part! We had a huge, grassy spot with a patio that backed up to the 9 acre pond. Tim was the hero and helped our neighbors (who had been trying for 3 days) finally catch some fish. I think by the end of the evening the kids had caught 7 or 8 bass each.
We had a great time and I know I enjoyed Shereen's yummy Sunny D adult beverage concoction! Ryan is in heaven because his awesome cousin showed him how to do new stuff on his Roblox computer world. Kylie entertained us with her front tooth that was "hanging on by spit" as Shereen very accurately put it. After 30 minutes of twirling, tugging and grossing us out, she was successful! And also managed to leave a pretty dangling bit of gum behind - ewwww!
Okay... the RV park sounds wonderful. The fishing, the whoopie pillow, the park, and all... did you have to include the part and picture about Kylie losing her tooth? EEEWWW!