Friday, February 22, 2013

Still in Nelson by MB

We are on our 4th week in Nelson but have to, sigh, think about heading back to the "real world"...yeah, yeah I'm well aware that we are far from living in the real world! For a few more days we will still have our amazing view (which calls out very loudly for a big glass of wine) and the weather has been just spectacular! The huge find here is that the fish market has fresh salmon daily which makes for the most buttery, yummy sashimi. Kylie loves it too! And it is dirt cheap. The one and only inexpensive thing in New Zealand is the salmon :) Ok, I'll take it!

Tim has managed to become friends with half the town according to Yuki, our local sushi chef, who he is going fishing with on Monday. Tomorrow (Sunday for us) Tim is going tuna fishing with the guys that took him and Ryan out crabbing the other day - they invited him. Tim may end up working the crabbing shift after the fishing is over. He would be the first mate, bringing the traps in and baiting them. Ryan is dying to go now that he hears that may be the plan......

This trip has been amazing and life changing in many ways. I know the kids have experienced so many things that they will look back on in awe in the future. I know I have! I love how adaptable they are and how a new place can become home to them. They still bicker like crazy but have slept in the same room every night even though there is another one available. Kylie eats Pikelets every morning (which are pre-made pancakes from the bread aisle) and they are huge fans of Eaton Mess as Ryan likes to mention. We are embracing Sauvignon Blancs and Pinot Noir's (because we have no choice and will wallow in Camus when we are home). I have learned a completely new angle on cooking and can make the best vegetable fritta ever! I long for all the green vegy's from home along with so many other things!!!

Tim and I need to enter one of the reality cooking shows as we have become quite the cooking team coming up with all kinds of good creations. Tonight it was snapper, which he and Ryan brought home yesterday, stuffed with crab, from yesterday, and shrimp served with a white wine/shallot/cream sauce - mine was that plus lemon. Oh and a plate full of tuna and salmon sashimi with our Japanese guac. I am amazed to find that one can throw a whole, uncovered, snapper in the fridge for a solid 24 hours next to fresh fruit and have it be as if it never happened!

The Saturday market is just so much fun. We have run into some really wonderful people - imagine that.....All kinds of handmade items and all the fresh fruits, vegy's, cheeses, preserves and baked goods. Very dangerous!

On Wednesday morning we head out for the last 12 days of our New Zealand Experience. We will be heading further south to Christchurch and Queenstown with lots of stops along the way. Not so much school work and, I'm sure, many adventures to come. Tim mentioned something about bungee jumping off a bridge in Queenstown but started backpedaling when we saw an extraordinarily high, cool train bridge on the North Island that may have put things in a new perspective.

We are not ready to move here as we miss everyone so much! Being halfway across the world for this amount of time is quite the challenge but we would love nothing more then to spend more time here in the future! Ok, the very near future :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Halter Family:)
    Been a bit busy this week and just getting a chance to catch up with the blog. Wow! I can tell that you all have had an amazing time. We miss you too and can't wait to hear more stories when you get home. I understand about the sadness of departing but that with each departure comes the shortening of the time until you will return there again. New Zealand sounds like a beautiful experience and you may forget what people said and what people may have done but you will never forget how they made you feel or how New Zealand made you feel. And that is the glory of travel! Enjoy and be safe as we look forward to your return:) also, Happy to report that Robert is back at home today and doing just fine. tootles! Lisa A.
