Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Last Leg

We have set a record this morning. Kids in the truck, RV all ready and on the road by 9:08! RV life is rough.....We brought some rain to Amarillo so hopefully we will have some with us when we get to Argyle!

We made it to The Big Texan for dinner. Tim got to let Phillip hang with the "Big Boys" while we had dinner. Let's just say its more about atmosphere than food in there. No one was up for the 72 oz steak challenge while we were there, unfortunately!

This trip has been a blast! We asked the kids if they wanted to stay in the RV tonight when we get home and they both yelled Yes!!!! That's a good sign. I will say that the thing I'm looking forward to the most is my kitchen. I could never really get into cooking in the RV. Not enough counter space and this one has lots more than most. And my shower :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Homeward Bound!

After 2 days in Boulder we are now heading home. I know Mousse will be very excited to get home and be with his best buddy!

We stayed at the Boulder Fairgrounds and did get to go to the fair. Ryan lucked out because the chickens were there. The judging had finished and many of them were for sale. Yes, he did push for us to bring some home. Tim told him that we can buy some and leave them with Grandma & Grandpa so that they could bring them down the next time they visit. For some reason they weren't interested....

I almost forgot about our parking garage incident! Let's just say that Big Tex (what we named our truck) was taller than the suggested clearance for a Boulder parking garage. He made it out by 2"? along with a very attractive, and minor (I promise Ross!) yellow highlight on the top of the cab. This came from the sign that tells you the clearance height when you drive in. It had rolled over the top of so many trucks that we couldn't read what it said ....this only would have helped if we knew how tall our truck is to begin with :) I guess the lack of legibility should have been our first warning sign. Having it roll over the top would then be the next but we felt like we were committed by that point. Notice the lack of bashing? I was a willing accomplice in the decision making on this one - that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

We are 2 hours from Amarillo and The Big Texan. Gotta go there for dinner!!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Heading South

For those of you that thought we would leave Friday - you lost the bet. We (or should I say I) grudgingly left Jackson and 65 degrees at 11 this morning.

We had some great times these last few days. We went kayaking on the Snake River again. This time both Ryan and Kylie came. There was one place in particular we were going back to. The water is crystal clear and calm with lots of small trout. We could watch them chase Tim's fishing lure. While we were there Tim and Ryan start yelling about a beaver. They start yelling how there are 2, no 3, no 4 beaver!!! Then they realize that they aren't beaver they are river otters. A little background on myself, otters are my favorite animal (sorry Triton!) and they are why I picked Zoology for my major in college. Needless to say I was sooo excited!!!! I paddled over, 3 of them had gone swimming off in another direction while one was still underwater. I could see right where he was since the water was so clear. I sat there watching him for a few seconds. He came up for a breath less than 10' from my kayak. I let out a squeal/scream in delight - clapping my hands and looking (and sounding) like a complete fool. He, in turn, had a look of pure horror on his face. I scared the poor thing half to death. They all swam around the corner and were still there when we left. They were going on shore and playing in the water. It was a very memorable experience for me :) Less memorable, or in a different kind of way for my traumatized little friend!

Yesterday we went on a family bike ride and just missed seeing a moose and her 2 babies. We biked a couple miles into Wilson and had lunch. The kids got to play at a park there and then we biked back home. Later we went into town to finally do the alpine slide. The kids spent some time rolling down a big hill. That is a sport that always looks a little more fun than it actually is. Especially as you age! We had tried a couple days ago to go to the alpine slide but a little thunderstorm shut it down for the afternoon so we did some rock climbing instead.

We are on the road to Rawlins, Wyoming. The only thing I know about this place is that the truck stop there has good chocolates and fudge!